1. Board of Trustees

  2. Discussion

    1. Julia Sinclair

      Hi Trustees, I was up at church this afternoon and ...

    2. Pat Roley

      I wanted to let you know that after cleaning up fro...

    3. Shawna Mercredi

      one of the chairs in the Library needs a crack to b...

  3. Events

  4. Members

    1. Bobo (ALCS) Bobo (ALCS)
    2. Dan Bushmeyer Dan Bushmeyer
    3. George Hargrave George Hargrave
    4. Ross Heimbigner Ross Heimbigner
    14 more...

Board of Trustees


Joyce Gettel

Trustees -- Also, could you set up an extra 4 round tables with at least 6 chairs. We will need 2 long tables to set the food on to receive. If you have any questions, please call Joyce. Thank you.

Joyce Gettel

Trustees -- Could you by August 24 that all walls at the LSC needs to be taken down for an all-day event on August 27 -- please. There is a Women's Tea event by Julia Sinclair from Noon to 2:00
and Mickey Snider's funeral at 3:00 and reception at 4:00. Since Preschool starts, you might want to check with Paix Irigon to see when those walls need to be put up. I remember him telling me that the school will starts soon and he needs to put the classes together as school is beginning soon. I will be doing the coffee for the Tea and we'll have help to clean-up after the Tea and after the reception. If you have any questions, please contact Joyce. Thank you.

George Hargrave

Limited personnel available Joyce.
I'll try to come by Aug 25 lunchtime and move the walls

Janice Miller

Problem with login. I have problem with signing into the site. When I try to sign in, it always (never fails) states that my sign in is invalid. Then I have to ask for a change of password, I go to my email and change the password and then get in., If I sign out again, the same process will happen. Essentially my password is never valid. How do I get this fixed?

David Gasiewicz

Janice, call me at 425-985-3026. I want to be on the phone with you while you login. What you are experiencing is bizarre.

Janice Miller

Today, I called the church and although I could hear Barbi, there was buzzing sound in the background of the phoneline. Apparenlty this has been consistent for several months. When do you think this problem might be fixed?

Janice Miller

Ok, Thanks

David Gasiewicz

Barbi should report the issue to Ziply. We...the Trustees...have nothing to do with the telephony infrastructure...other than to make sure the bill is paid!

Julia Sinclair

Hi Trustees,
I will be hosting an event in the LSC on August 27th. I would like to have that quilt that I donated hung up on the wall by the kitchen service window. It will only take a litte bit of time out of your day to do this since I already have the hardware to hang it. Joyce G. knows where that quilt and the hardware are located. If it is not possible to have this done by the date of the even on August 27, please let me know at least a week beforehand so I will have time to arrange for someone else to come and do that for me. Thanks for your help with this.

George Price

Hi Julia, I will try and hang the quilt this coming Wed. (8-10). Geo. P.

Julia Sinclair

Digital Trustee, I am still not getting any email from the church website. This has been going on since January. At first I made sure that the proper box is checked to recieve notices yet did not get anything. I also changed my email address from my comcast to my hotmail. I still do not get any email at all. I tried to have Shawna send me something from the Library and from her Scrip and I still did not get anyting. I now have missed a youth event thisi month because I did not get a notice about it from the website. Please contact our website hosting company for answers as to why I am not getting emails.

Julia Sinclair

Hi Trustees,
I would like to request the use of 4 long tables for use at home for the next 3 weeks. I recently had my kitchen remodel done and I have many boxes of stuff to sort through. The long tables would be perfect to do this. I might also have a garage sale and the tables would be handy for that as well.
Let me know what I need to do before I pick those tables up.

George Hargrave

Just checking that you've returned yhe tables uou had borrowed?

George Hargrave

There are 3 long tables in lsc available

Julia Sinclair

Awesome 😎 Thanks!

George Hargrave

Hi Julia. You can borrow the tables. Currently there are no church events. I'd suggest the adult Bible study tables first

Julia Sinclair

Hi Trustees, I would like to have the quilt I donated be hung up in the LSC. It is the one that has the grey stones on a blue background and a Bible verse from 1 Peter 2:5 "you also like living stones are being built into a spiritual house." (It was donated and dedicated when we opened up the church after the Covid restrictions were over). Would it be possible to have it up in time for Rally Day this year? It should still be in the storeroom in the LSC, or with Joyce's quilt stuff. There should also be the dowel and hooks with it as well. Please email me to let me know if/when this can get on the schedule. Thanks!

Julia Sinclair

Great! Thank you.

George Hargrave

The trustees will work on getting this scheduled for mounting in yhe near future

Pat Roley

A member of All Saints suggested that a hook be mounted by the acolyte pew for them to hang the candle lighter during church services so they aren’t stepping on it or tripping. They thought something similar to the hook we have in the sacristy for storage would work. The Trustees can determine if feasible and choose an appropriate location. Thank you for your consideration. Pat Roley.

George Hargrave

New hanger put up today

George Hargrave

Thank you Pat. I'll look tonight and see if there is a place suitable

George Hargrave

Thank you Pat. I'll look tonight and see if there is a place suitable

Joyce Gettel

Lights -- There is one light out right above the Exit word just right inside the double-doors to enter the Main Bldg. AND there is a light out just before you enter the LSC (the little ramp just outside the Main Bldg. I haven't looked/checked the light just outside the double-doors at the LSC. Thanks much. (11/14/21)
