Preschool FAQ

What age does my child have to be to enroll in All Saints Lutheran ELC?

3 years old by September 1st of the current school year.  If your child is turning 3 later in September, please contact the director for possible early enrollment.  

Does my child need to be potty (toilet) trained?

Yes.  We do not have the facilities to properly dispose of diapers or pull-ups.  We require you to bring your child to the bathroom to try and go potty and wash their hands, even if they went before you left your house.  This will reduce the spread of germs, reduce the amount of interruptions during the beginning of class and prepare them for kindergarten routine.

How do you ensure a clean and sanitary place?

We follow the Washington State Department of Health recommendations on sanitizing school rooms and materials.  If your child has a fever above 100 degrees, we require your child to stay home.  Also, we are constantly monitoring changes and updates to cleaning procedures and will implement them as required.

What if my child has a potty accident at school?

We understand that these young children are still learning to control their bodies and may have potty accidents occasionally.  If it becomes more frequent, then we may have to excuse the child from the school until they are potty trained. 

Do you offer full day classes?

No. Our classes are 3 hours long.

Can we choose what days my child comes to school?

No. Our classes and times are set.  

How many children are in a class?

Our 5-day class has a maximum of 16 children and 2 teachers (8:1 child to teacher ratio).  Our 3-day class has a maximum size of 12 children (6:1 child to teacher ratio).

What are the ages of the children in each class?

All our classes are multi-age (3, 4 and 5-year-olds).

If the ages are different, are they doing the same lessons and activities? 

No. All the children follow the same daily schedule, but children expected to attend kindergarten are grouped with one of the teachers and given worksheets and activities specific for their learning development. 

What is your daily schedule?

Our typical daily schedule is Center time (open play), Circle time (opening group learning), Learning time (academic focus), Snack time, Outside time (outdoor play if weather permitted), Bible Story time, Children Chapel with Pastor (once a week), Story time, Show-and-tell time, Goodbye song and dismissal. 

What curriculums do you use?

Our preschool uses a unique blend of “child-centered” learning, academic “teacher-managed” teaching and spiritual growth through songs and lessons. 

For Language Arts, we use Zoo-Phonics, for Math, we use Bridges in Mathematics, and for Social and Emotional Learning, we use Second Step.

For other learning areas, we use an active play-based style that allows the children to learn by engaging them during activities throughout the class.  Activities include, but not limited, to cooking, science experiments, arts, crafts, singing and games.

Since All Saints Lutheran ELC is in a church, are there religious lessons?

Yes.  Christian religion is one of our core teaching values, so we have a Bible story curriculum called One-in-Christ that we use with the children daily.  Our children also have Children Chapel with our pastor once a week. 

Can I have my child not participate in religious lessons and activities?

No. Our religion is an integral part of our school and teaching.

What kids of snacks are served? And do I have to provide it?

Our snacks consist of food you can buy from the store.  That includes fresh or dried fruit, various chips and cereals. All our snacks do not have meat or nuts. We provide the snack for your child. The snacks are listed on the monthly class calendars.

Can my child bring a water bottle to school?

Yes, but it is optional.  We always offer filtered water.  

How early can I drop my child off at school?  And how late can I pick my child up after class?

The doors are unlocked 15 minutes before the class starts.  We do not have a waiting area prior to that.

We allow 10 minutes after school ends for you to pick up your child.  If you know you are going to be late, please call. Consistent late pick up will result in late fees.

What does my child need to bring to school?

When your child starts attending, we ask that you bring a clean change of clothes that is stored in their personal cubby.  Backpacks are optional. 

What does my child wear to school?

We do not have a school uniform, but we ask that you dress your child appropriately for the outside weather. 

If my child is absent due to sickness or vacation, do I still have to pay full tuition?

Yes, we do not prorate tuition for sickness or vacation.

How can I pay for tuition?

We accept cash, check, credit, and ACH.  Credit cards, debit cards and ACH are through the ProCare app and have additional fees.

When is tuition due?

Tuition is due at the 10th day of the month.

How much is tuition?

Please see our enrollment page for the current monthly tuition fees.
